I am coding a game for a GBA emulator modeled on the classic arcade game 'Phoenix' in which a ship fires bullets up at targets above it. I currently have the game working fine except I want to be able to fire multiple bullets at once.
I created a smaller source file simply to test how I might do this, so there are no bricks or ship etc, only an origin for the bullets and a background colour.
I have tried to create a "magazine" for the ship that contains five bullets by creating an array of 5 'bullet' structures, each containing their own x and y coordinate. Each bullet also has assigned to it a boolean flag to determine if it is fired or not, allowing a loop to search through the arrays when A is pressed to find a bullet that has not yet been fired, and fire it.
I thought that this would work, but as I am a beginner I feel I may have missed something. When it is run, I can fire one bullet, and it animates up the screen as intended, but I cannot fire a second until this first one is off the screen and its flag reset to 'false.'
Perhaps you could help me spot the problem in my code?
Thank you.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "gba.h"
const int MAG_SIZE = 5;
bool bulletFired[MAG_SIZE] = {false};
struct bullet {
int x;
int y;
} bullet[MAG_SIZE];
bool isPressed(uint16_t keys, uint16_t key)
{ // Uses REG_KEYINPUT and a specified key mask to determine if the key is pressed
return (keys & key) == 0;
void DrawBullet(int bulletXPos, int bulletYPos)
{ // Fires bullet from player craft
PlotPixel8(bulletXPos, bulletYPos, 2);
int main()
bool isPressed(uint16_t keys, uint16_t key);
void DrawBullet(int bulletXPos, int bulletYPos);
SetPaletteBG(0, RGB(0, 0, 10)); // Blue
SetPaletteBG(1, RGB(31, 31 ,31)); // White
SetPaletteBG(2, RGB(25, 0, 0)); // Red
while (true)
uint16_t currKeys = REG_KEYINPUT;
for (int n = 0; n < 5; n++)
if ( bulletFired[n] )
DrawBullet(bullet[n].x, bullet[n].y);
if ( bullet[n].y < 1 )
bulletFired[n] = false;
if (isPressed(currKeys, KEY_A))
{ // Key A is pressed
for (int n = 0; n < 5; n++)
if ( !bulletFired[n] )
bulletFired[n] = true;
bullet[n].x = 120;
bullet[n].y = 134;
return 0;
The problem is here
if (isPressed(currKeys, KEY_A))
{ // Key A is pressed
for (int n = 0; n < 5; n++)
if ( !bulletFired[n] )
bulletFired[n] = true;
bullet[n].x = 120;
bullet[n].y = 134;
When you detect a key press, you fire all available bullets at once.
You want something like:
if (isPressed(currKeys, KEY_A))
{ // Key A is pressed
for (int n = 0; n < 5; n++)
if ( !bulletFired[n] )
bulletFired[n] = true;
bullet[n].x = 120;
bullet[n].y = 134;
To break out of the loop. You also probably want to insert a time delay between firing bullets, or waiting for a full key press, because you will still probably fire the bullets very quickly.