Hi i'm tring to create such template
<script type='text/mustache' id='user-template'>
{{#each users}}
{{#startHidden @index 2}}</ul><ul style = "display:none;">{{/startHidden}}
{{#endHidden @index 2}}</ul><a href="#">show all</a>{{/endHidden}}
So the idea is to close the upper <ul>
after second user in list open new hidden <ul>
and put all rest users here. But instead i got closed <ul>
and final html looks like:
<ul style="display:none;"></ul>
<a href="#">show all</a>
This is my js
var data = [{name: "name1"},{name: "name2"},{name: "name3"},{name: "name4"}];
var users = new can.List(data);
var frag = can.view("user-template",{users:users},{
'startHidden' : function(currentIndex, usersToShow, options){
if (currentIndex() === usersToShow-1) {
return options.fn(this);
'endHidden' : function(currentIndex, usersToShow, options){
var length = options.scope.attr('users').length;
if ((length>usersToShow)&&(currentIndex() === length-1)) {
return options.fn(this);
Is there any way to prevent auto closing tags, or may i'm just doing it wrong completely?
This is not possible. can.view.live.html can only remove or add elements in sequence. A workaround would be to just add a "hidden" class on an LI if it shouldn't be visible.