
Is it possible to send feedback via android sdk without user's email (anonymous)?

I have always wanted to be able to have my users send feedback to my email address. Not a problem when using 'createChooser()' with ACTION_SEND type within an Intent. This may lead to a few very rare errors where there is not an application on the user's device to handle that Intent.

My question is: Is it possible to send an anonymous "from" to my developer email account so the User's email will not be required? I know basic HTML, and am wondering if this is possible with a 'form' in a 'WebView' (preferably less complicated) I Do not have a web server or access to one, and am only an individual developer, so that may throw that out of question.

Any insight is greatly appreciated, thank you for reading.


  • I don't think there is a reasonably easy way to do this with Intents. The best way I can see is have a couple of EditTexts for the message and maybe a title, and then a send Button at the bottom, then sending programmatically with a java class.

    See this link for some info on how to do the actual sending part:

    It's fairly straightforward.