
Xcode shows warning after adding App Groups (Add the "App Groups" entitlement to your App ID)

After I added an App Group in Xcode it shows a warning:

Add the "App Groups" entitlement to your App ID
Add the "App Groups containers" entitlement to your App ID

Before the warning there was a loading spinner like this:

Adding the "App Groups" entitlement to your App ID...

after it finished the loading I got the following warnings:

remaining warnings

What can I do to correct the two wrong steps? If I'm right it is already added to my App ID.


  • I faced the same issue, and in my case my apple id did not have the permission to add the "App Group".

    If your account's type is "Member", not "Agent", then you need your Agent/Admin who has the main development account to add the "App Group" for you.