I was using nodejs + nano + couchdb for my application successfully up until today. For some reason all of a sudden I'm getting ECONNREFUSED when I try to run my application. If I try to query the database using the web browser or using a different application (java application) it works fine. I'm uncertain why just in this scenario it stopped working. I've been researching for the past 2 days and can't find any help. I believe this might have something to do with too many open connections, but that's a little bit out of my realm of knowledge. Can anyone provide me with any insight on debugging this issue or any direction I could go in? I should mention this couchdb lives on iriscouch
Add more information about stack that you're using. But basically it's server machine doesn't want to allow connecting. Also try run your app with DEBUG=*, nano will log via console.log almost everything.
E.g. change in package.json
start command to node changetoyourapp.js DEBUG=*
I faced yesterday same issue with nodejitsu/iriscouch. Issue disappeared after some restarts.