Problematic Workflow:
Start Xcode,
New ->Project,
Pick Single View Application ->next,
Enter app name etc ->next,
It just stalls there. There is "Add to" combo box in this page which is not responsive. SinceI can`t do any changes on this page I cannot click on "next" either, i.e., it is disabled.I can click on "previous" which turns back to project name etc page.
This started to happen all of a sudden yesterday. There is no crash or anything, just unresponsive screen. But I cannot do any development at all since I cannot create a project in the first place.
Finally the problem was solved. Steps were below: 1 - Update the system to Yosemite, 2 - Completely clean the system off of the Xcode (I did it using AppCleaner, freely available on the internet), 3 - Make sure no trace of Xcode exist in the system, 4 - Go to App Store and install Xcode from scratch.