I'm trying to get regex pattern in input type number
to show only numbers and dots.
I tried something like this.
<input type="number" pattern="[0-9.]*">
<input type="tel">
Both are showing only numbers (0-9), but not displaying . (dot). I need to use dot in input field.
Is it possible thru html5? Or Shall I go with javascript?
Note: This is working fine in Android, but . (dot) not displaying in iphones
I need to display mobile keypad like this..
Any help regarding this?
If you only specify "type=number" it will display keypad on iPhone like:
And if you specify pattern like <input type="number" pattern="\d*"/>
or <input type="number" pattern="[0-9]*" />
, then keypad on iPhone will be like :
Still it cannot display dot(.), currently there is no pattern to handle such case.
So you may opt for <input type="tel" />
which will provide keypad like:
Please refer to below links for more details on inputs for iOS:
Hope this will help you. :)
Updates for customization (reference: https://stackoverflow.com/a/20021657/1771795)
You can do some customization using javascript.
Lets take example of currency input with decimals pattern in which e.which
to read CharCode
entered and then push it into an array (before) which represents digits before decimal mark and another array (after) to move values from (before) array past the decimal mark.
<input type="tel" id="number" />
Variables and functions:
// declare variables
var i = 0,
before = [],
after = [],
value = [],
number = '';
// reset all values
function resetVal() {
i = 0;
before = [];
after = [];
value = [];
number = '';
// add thousand separater
function addComma(num) {
return num.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
Main code:
// listen to keyup event
$("#number").on("keyup", function (e, v) {
// accept numbers only (0-9)
if ((e.which >= 48) && (e.which <= 57)) {
// convert CharCode into a number
number = String.fromCharCode(e.which);
// hide value in input
// main array which holds all numbers
// array of numbers before decimal mark
// move numbers past decimal mark
if (i > 1) {
after.push(value[i - 2]);
before.splice(0, 1);
// final value
var val_final = after.join("") + "." + before.join("");
// show value separated by comma(s)
// update counter
// for demo
$(".amount").html(" " + $(this).val());
} else {
// reset values
// clear arrays once clear btn is pressed
$(".ui-input-text .ui-input-clear").on("click", function () {