Keeping in mind the addition of .prop() in jQuery replacing .attr() for many boolean type attributes/ properties of an element. My question is how to add a 'Property' in the following code?
The following set of code is functionally doing what I require it to do, but in my browser debug section I see a warning "JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.attr('selected') may use property instead of attribute" referring jquery-migrate-1.2.1.js
$("<select />",{
"class": "align-select",
id: "align_select_123"
$("<option />",{
value: "left",
selected: "selected",
html: "Left"
$("<option />",{
value: "right",
html: "Right"
$("<option />",{
value: "centre",
html: "Centre"
$("<option />",{
value: "justify",
html: "Justified"
The above mentioned warning refers to the 7th line of the code i.e. selected: "selected". What is the possible good way to get same code working with out generating this warning?
I have tired:
$("<option />",{
value: "left",
html: "Left",
but it didn't worked!!
Although I would still use the attribute in this context for readability (since it's true that prop should be used), to set the property would be in an other call :
$("<option />",{
value: "left",
html: "Left",
}).prop('selected', true),