I connect to a z/os-System via "tso ftp" with specifying my user-id, password and the hostname.
The command "help" shows me a list of commands that I am allowed to use, for example "site".
So far so good, but if I connect to the same host via "standard ftp", for example with the Windows Command Shell, the list of allowed commands is much(!) smaller. Typing e.g. "site" gives me the message: "unknown command".
This seems strange to me, because in my eyes I connected to the same host with the same credentials in just two different ways - but my permissions are quite differnt!?
Can anyone explain me the difference between "tso ftp" and "standard ftp"?
You need to use quote command to send your command to ZOS ftp server. E.g. quote "SITE FILETYPE=JES"