
Merged dictionaries in the App.xaml

I have a bunch of Xaml vector icons inside a separated .xaml. I load them inside my window using this directive:

            <ResourceDictionary Source="/ScreenToGif;component/Themes/IconSet.xaml"></ResourceDictionary>

I have lots of windows, so I would like to simply put this code inside the App.xaml.

I'm trying this:

<Application.Resources> <!-- Error, The property "Resources" can only be set once. -->
    <ResourceDictionary x:Key="IconSet"> <!--Not sure why this?-->
            <ResourceDictionary Source="/Mine;component/Themes/Theme.xaml"/>

<!--Here goes the rest of the file, with Style and DropShadowEffect... -->

So here is the problem:

All examples don't use a x:Key attribute, but it gives me an error saying that I need. When I do that, it says that I can't have multiple properties Resource...


  • Please see commented text

                <ResourceDictionary Source="/Mine;component/Themes/Theme.xaml"/>
            <!--You have to add other style here only-->
    <!--Not Here-->