I've some code which basically change speed of a motor controller and records the data, however I would like to add now another class to include a pid controller, I don't know (since I'm new with python programming), how to call this every iteration at the same time of recording data and set different values for the motor, in orther words, how to combine two parts of code: Could anyone please help me with this? Thanks
Instead of passing TESTER.onTimer
to the PeriodicTimer
constructor, pass a function that calls both TESTER.onTimer
and PID.update()
. You'll have to have an instance of PID
just like TESTER
is an instance of Tester
Also, I recommend doing if __name__ == "__main__":
like this (note main
function and lowercase local variables):
def main():
csv_file = open('DataRecorded.csv', 'wb')
writer = csv.writer(csv_file)
writer.writerow(['Time', 'Current[mA]', 'Voltage[V]', 'Position',
'Period', 'CurrentAct[mA]', 'VoltageAct[V]' ])
tester = Tester(5) #Change number to
timer = PeriodicTimer(0.05, tester.onTimer)
raw_input('Monitoring Current and Voltage') # Use input() in Python 3
if __name__ == "__main__":
You should probably move the Birckd connection section inside main()
but that's way off topic.