
Send / Receive Emails through external VServer with Plesk?

I have:

I want to user my VServer as an external Mailserver. But i don´t know what to write in the "CName (Alias)" and "MX (Mail Exchanger)".

And where do i have to point my imap.server.tld and smtp.server.tld in my Emailclient? to imap.plesk-vserver.tld or to

What´s about the origin of my emails i send out? Do i need to configure Plesk as well?


  • Here how to Receive emails on Plesk server:

    Assume that your "Domain (GoDaddy)" = domain.tld

    In "Domain (GoDaddy)":

    Plesk MX DNS record Plesk A DNS record

    Where - it's IP of your plesk server

    In Plesk create new subscription or new add-on domain with name "domain.tld"

    Point your email client for IMAP on IP address of Plesk server.

    To Send emails from "Google Cloud Engine" I recommend to use some external service like SendGrid / MailChimp or change your application to send mail via SMTP on Plesk server.