Is there a way to add an 'X more events' style message to the Kendo Scheduler in month view?

I'm using ASP.NET MVC with Kendo UI version: "2014.2.716".

Is there a way to change the default '...' in the Kendo Scheduler control to a custom message with say '13 more events'?

enter image description here

This is what I have tried so far. I know I can capture the data bound event ...

        .Events(e =>
        .Views(views =>
       @* Other markup removed for brevity ... *@

... then in javascript use jQuery to get these elements ...

function calDataBound(e) {
        $(".k-more-events span").each(function (index, element ) 


... but what I don't know is how would I get the number of events in the day represented by this cell?!


  • So this has worked for me ...

    function calDataBound(e) {
        var scheduler = this;
        var view = scheduler.view();
        var dataSourceData =;
        // For every element that has the more events ellipses '...'
        view.table.find(".k-more-events span").each(function () {
            if ($(this) != null) {
                var element = $(this);
                if (element != null) {
                    var slot = scheduler.slotByElement(element);
                    if (slot != null) {
                        var slotStart = slot.startDate;
                        var slotEnd = slot.endDate;
                        var totalAppts = 0;
                        var visibleAppts = 0;
                        for (var i = 0; i < dataSourceData.length; i++) {
                            var appt = dataSourceData[i];
                            var apptStartDt = appt.start;
                            var apptEndDt = appt.end;
                            // Include only appointments that are in or overlap the entire day
                            if (slotStart < apptEndDt && slotEnd > apptStartDt) {
                                totalAppts += 1;
                                var selector = 'div[data-uid="' + appt.uid + '"]';
                                if ($(selector).length > 0) {
                                    visibleAppts += $(selector).length;
                        var totalHidden = totalAppts - visibleAppts;
                        if (totalHidden > 0) {
                            element.text(totalHidden + ' more ...');

    I also had to tweak the css for .k-more-events so that the panel was big enough to show the text e.g.

    .k-more-events > span {
      margin-top: 0em;
      height: 20px;
    div.k-more-events {
      font-size: 12px;
      height: 20px;