I have a Mongoid model with a hash field that looks like this:
class DimensionStat
include ::Mongoid::Document
include ::Mongoid::Timestamps
field :data, type: Hash
attr_accessible :data
I pretend on runtime fill data with something like
data: {
'a' => 1,
'b' => 2,
I need to perform increments on multiple keys atomically such as:
'a' => -1,
'b' => 5
Somewhere I found that:
instance.collection.find(_id: my_id).update("$inc" => {'data.a' => -1,
'data.b' => 5})
will do the trick but it doesn't, what am I doing wrong?
UPDATE: I'm using mongoid 3.1.6
The .inc
method works perfectly with non-existing keys, but the document is not automatically refreshed from the database. Try:
dimension_stat.inc('data.a' => -1, 'data.b' => 5)
puts dimension_stat.data['a'] # not changed
puts dimension_stat.data['a'] # changed
you will see that the counters have changed.