
Strategy when retrieving user name from session

I have a technical problem and I am not sure about the correct way to solve:

In a web page I am developing, I have to store the current user name from session (the person who is logged in) to "stamp" an action. (For instance, "The user created this file on "). My algorithm retrieves the user name from session but it obviously changes for each user. Therefore, the is always been the one of the user logged in, and not the creator name.

Any hint anyone?



  • So logically these are the steps you want?

    I think you might be missing the part where the system stores stuff (e.g. in a database).

    EDIT: If you don't need persistence you could store shared data in the ServletContext. Note this is not a serious solution but could be used for a quick prototype or demo. Don't even think about doing this in production, it's got issues.

    In your servlet do:

    private static Map<String, FileData> fileAccess;
    private class FileData {
        String userName;
        Date timeStamp = new Date();;
        String fileName;
        FileData(String userName, String fileName) {
            this.userName = userName;
            this.fileName= fileName;
    public void init(ServletConfig config) {
        String attributeKey = "fileAccess";
        fileAccess = config.getServletContext().getAttribute(attributeKey);
        if (fileAccess == null) {
            fileAccess = new HashMap<String, FileData>();
            config.getServletContext().setAttribute(attributeKey, fileAccess);
    // in this example a POST means a user accesses a file
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) {
        // get the user name from the current session
        String userName = req.getSession().getAttribute("userName");
        // get the file name from the request (posted from the file access form)
        String fileName = req.getParameter("fileName");
        // check if we have the necessary data
        if (userName == null || fileName == null) {
            resp.getWriter().write("Invalid file access request");
        // create and fill file data wrapper
        FileData fileData = new FileData(userName, fileName);
        // store the file data in the shared fileAccess map.
        // synchronized to block simultaneous acccess from different threads
        synchronized (fileAccess) {
            // note: any previously stored FileData object gets replaced
            fileAccess.put(fileName, fileData);
        // display the result to the user
        display(fileData, resp);
    // in this example a GET means a user views a file
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) {
        // get the file name parameter from the request (sent as part of the view-file request)
        String fileName = req.getParameter("fileName");
        // check if we have the necessary data
        if (fileName == null) {
            resp.getWriter().write("Invalid view file request.");
        // get the file data from the shared fileAccess map.
        // synchronized to block simultaneous acccess from different threads
        synchronized (fileAccess) {
            FileData  fileData = fileAccess.get(fileName);   
            // display the result to the user
            display(fileData, resp);
    private void display(FileData fileData, HttpServletResponse resp) {
        resp.getWriter().write("File accessed:");
        resp.getWriter().write("User: " + fileData.userName);
        resp.getWriter().write("File: " + fileData.fileName);
        resp.getWriter().write("Timestamp: " + fileData.timeStamp);