After looking at somebody else's code I have noticed the following:
login_as user, scope: :user
I have always used simply
login_as user
So I went out to look for an explanation and found this article How to: Test with Capybara that says use scope: :user
however without any explanation. All my tests are working fine without it.
Another strange thing is Warden.test_mode!
which I am not using either. Why would I need it?
Any explanation?
As you can see here, login_as
calls set_user
with the same set of options.
Here's the source code of set_user
(click "View source"). On line 165, you'll see that if the :scope
option is empty, the default scope will be used. In your Rails application, open config/initializers/devise.rb
, you'll find something as follows
# Configure the default scope given to Warden. By default it's the first
# devise role declared in your routes (usually :user).
# config.default_scope = :user
It means your default scope is :user
which is used when you call login_as
without passing a scope.
Here's the documentation of Warden.test_mode!
.test_mode! ⇒ Object
Provides helper methods to warden for testing.
To setup warden in test mode call the test_mode! method on warden
This will provide a number of methods. Warden.on_next_request(&blk) - captures a block which is yielded the warden proxy on the next request Warden.test_reset! - removes any captured blocks that would have been executed on the next request
Warden.test_reset! should be called in after blocks for rspec, or teardown methods for Test::Unit
It means if you're sure you won't need/use any of the helper methods provided by warden as listed, not calling this method won't break your tests.