
Where can I find GD compatible fonts?

I'm using GD to display some text. The default font is Courier (or something similar)... I want to use another font and I found this function: imageloadfont that requires a .gdf file. I've search on Google to see if I find some nice fonts, but I didn't find anything. I see there's a script to convert a PNG file to a GDF, but I can't waste too much time so I'd like to know where can I get some nice fonts, or maybe there's another easier way to do what I want.


  • I hadn't seen the imagettftext function in the documentation. Thanks @Pekka for the advice. Finally I just copied the consolas.ttf file in the same directory of the script and did:

    imagettftext ( $image, 12, 0, 200, 100, 0, 'consolas.ttf' , "thanks!");

    It works perfectly.