
how to connect facebook through xmpp dll in vb.net?

I tried the code below to connect to Facebook through Agsxmpp.Dll, but when I connect to it, it shows login failed on OnAuthError Event. How do I solve this?

ObjAgx = New XmppClientConnection
ObjAgx.Server = "chat.facebook.com"
ObjAgx.Username = txtusername.text
ObjAgx.Password = txtPassword.Text
ObjAgx.Port = 5222
ObjAgx.AutoResolveConnectServer = False


Is there any method to connect to Facebook using xmpp?


  • Here is the right Code :

    ObjAgx = New XmppClientConnection
    ObjAgx.Server = "chat.facebook.com"
    ObjAgx.Username = txtusername.text
    ObjAgx.Password = txtPassword.Text
    ObjAgx.Port = 5222
    ObjAgx.AutoResolveConnectServer = True
    ObjAgx.UseSSL = False
    ObjAgx.ConnectServer = "Facebookmail.com"

    you must turn off ssl to connect to facebook and use the connectserver as you see in the code above .

    NOTE : AutoResolveConnectServer is needed and it's IMPORTANT .

    Happy Coding ^^