I am using Oracle text to search in a corpus of sentences I want the scoring to be as counting the discrete occurrences only,
Example : My Query is ( dog cat table )
If it found the term " dog " it must count 1 even if the sentence has more than one "dog" term. If it found " dog cat " it must count 2 ... etc
I used this query, but it gives me 51 if it finds the two terms. I need to accumulate the discrete occurrences. So I want to override the behaviour of the scoring algorithm of Oracle Text.
select /*+ FIRST_ROWS(1)*/ sentence_id
,score(1) as sc
, isn
from plag_docsentences
order by score(1) desc
OK, I Solved that Issue.
suppose I find 2 terms out of 3, the score will be 67 which means ( 2/3=67 ) this is the default behavior of oracle text scoring alg. so I derived an equation to find the number of occurrences (i.e number of terms in query found in the corpus sentence) as follows:
x/query_lenght = score/100
x=query_lenght * score/100
this will find the number of matching words between the query and the corpus query
I hope this will help reasearchers in IR.