Error on product sliders bellow:
TypeError: jQuery(...).iosSlider is not a function ...onLastSlideComplete:function(){jQuery('').addClass('disabled');},... (linha 108, col 417)
TypeError: jQuery(...).iosSlider is not a function ...nLastSlideComplete:function(){jQuery('').addClass('disabled');},... (linha 116, col 423)
TypeError: jQuery(...).iosSlider is not a function ...true,infiniteSlider:true,autoSlide:true,autoSlideTimer:1500});jQuery('.shop-news... (linha 91, col 205)
TypeError: document.getElementById(...) is null overlay.js (linha 7333, col 4)
TypeError: document.getElementById(...) is null overlay.js (linha 7333, col 4)
I can't understand what's causing this and why slider do not work properly. :(
I haven't changed anything at all regarding jquery, so it should work with no problems.
I have already replaced jquery.slider.js with original and still the same error.
Can't understand why this is happening. :(
Ok, I don't know what they did, but the guys from the theme I bought just solved the problem for me. :)