
Read excel data Sheet by sheet using codeigniter and mysql and phpexcel

I am done with basic import to database. I have explained in the following example where I got stuck up ...

For example,

I have an xls file named project.xls and it has 6 sheets. I have populated all 6 sheet names in dropdown. If I select sheet2 and click button, it should import sheet2 data into db and sheet3 so on.

How can I do this ...? please help me...


  • You can access to differents sheets of a file with PHPExcelReader this way:

    $filename = "path/to/filename.xls";
    $reader = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader(); // Your PHPEXCELREDER Class
    // Read XLS File
    $sheet = 2; // Your sheet
    // Then walk trough your wanted sheet:
    for ($i = 2; $i <= $reader->sheets[$sheet]['numRows']; $i++) {
    // Do something