I have an answered StackOverflow question about how to combine to legacy CHAR
database date and time fields into one .NET DateTime
property in my POCO
here (thanks much Berryl!). Now i am trying to get a custom ICritera query to work against that very DateTime
property to no avail. here's my query:
ICriteria criteria =
.Add(Expression.Gt(MembersOf<InputFileLog>.GetName(x => x.FileCreationDateTime), DateTime.Now.AddDays(-14)))
.Add(Expression.Eq(MembersOf<InputFile>.GetName(x => x.Id), inputFileName));
IList<InputFileLog> list = criteria.List<InputFileLog>();
And here's the query it's generating:
SELECT this_.input_file_token as input1_9_2_,
this_.file_creation_date as file2_9_2_,
this_.file_creation_time as file3_9_2_,
this_.approval_ind as approval4_9_2_,
this_.file_id as file5_9_2_,
this_.process_name as process6_9_2_,
this_.process_status as process7_9_2_,
this_.input_file_name as input8_9_2_,
gonogo3_.input_file_token as input1_6_0_,
gonogo3_.go_nogo_ind as go2_6_0_,
inputfile1_.input_file_name as input1_3_1_,
inputfile1_.src_code as src2_3_1_,
inputfile1_.process_cat_code as process3_3_1_
FROM input_file_log this_
left outer join go_nogo gonogo3_ on this_.input_file_token=gonogo3_.input_file_token
inner join input_file inputfile1_ on this_.input_file_name=inputfile1_.input_file_name
WHERE this_.file_creation_date > :p0 and
this_.file_creation_time > :p1 and
inputfile1_.input_file_name = :p2
ORDER BY this_.input_file_token desc;
:p0 = '20100401',
:p1 = '15:15:27',
:p2 = 'LMCONV_JR'
The query is exactly what i would expect, actually, except it doesn't actually give me what i want (all the rows in the last 2 weeks) because in the DB it's doing a greater than comparison using CHAR
s instead of DATE
s. I have no idea how to get the query to convert the CHAR
values into a DATE
in the query without doing a CreateSQLQuery(), which I would like to avoid. Anyone know how to do this?
I've been looking into trying to use Projections.SqlFunction()
or formulas to accomplish this, but to no avail so far. Here's the code i have using SqlFunction()
, but i get an NHibernate.QueryException : property does not map to a single column: FileCreationDateTime
DateTime twoWeeksAgo = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-14);
ICriteria criteria =
.Add(Restrictions.Gt(Projections.SqlFunction("to_date", NHibernateUtil.DateTime, Projections.Property(MembersOf<InputFileLog>.GetName(x => x.FileCreationDateTime))), twoWeeksAgo))
//.Add(Expression.Gt(MembersOf<InputFileLog>.GetName(x => x.FileCreationDateTime), DateTime.Now.AddDays(-14)))
.Add(Expression.Eq(MembersOf<InputFile>.GetName(x => x.Id), inputFileName));
I'm sure i'm doing something wrong here and it doesn't like it still anyway because FileCreationDateTime
uses a custom ICompositeUserType
which splits the .NET DateTime
property into two Oracle SQL CHAR
columns (see this StackOverflow question for details).
I finally figure this out! here's the code (for some reason StackOverflow is making some of the methods names in the this first code snippet the syntax color of a type):
IList<InputFileLog> list = null;
DateTime twoWeeksAgo = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-14);
IProjection datePropProj =
IProjection timePropProj =
IProjection dateConstProj =
IProjection timeConstProj =
ICriteria criteria =
.Add(Restrictions.Or(Restrictions.GtProperty(datePropProj, dateConstProj),
Restrictions.And(Restrictions.EqProperty(datePropProj, dateConstProj),
Restrictions.GeProperty(timePropProj, timeConstProj))))
.Add(Expression.Eq(MembersOf<InputFile>.GetName(x => x.Id), inputFileName));
list = criteria.List<InputFileLog>();
And here's the methods i used to create the SQLProjections
and SQLFunctions
. i put them in my ICompositeUserType
) that i used for the custom type mapping on the FileCreationDateTime
public class DefaultStringFileCreationDateTime : ICompositeUserType
public const string DotNetDateFormat = "yyyyMMdd";
public const string DotNetTimeFormat = "HH:mm:ss";
public const string DbDateFormat = "YYYYMMDD";
public const string DbTimeFormat = "HH24:MI:SS";
private const string _nullDateRepresentationInDb = "00000000";
public struct DatabaseFieldNames
/// <summary>
/// File creation date column name.
/// </summary>
public const string FileCreationDate = "file_creation_date";
/// <summary>
/// File creation time column name.
/// </summary>
public const string FileCreationTime = "file_creation_time";
public static IProjection GetFileCreationDateToDateSQLProjection()
return ProjectionUtil.GetToDateSQLProjection(DatabaseFieldNames.FileCreationDate, DbDateFormat, NHibernateUtil.DateTime);
public static IProjection GetFileCreationTimeToDateSQLProjection()
return ProjectionUtil.GetToDateSQLProjection(DatabaseFieldNames.FileCreationTime, DbTimeFormat, NHibernateUtil.DateTime);
public static IProjection GetFileCreationDateToDateSQLFunction(DateTime dt)
return ProjectionUtil.GetToDateSQLFunction(dt, DotNetDateFormat, DbDateFormat);
public static IProjection GetFileCreationTimeToDateSQLFunction(DateTime dt)
return ProjectionUtil.GetToDateSQLFunction(dt, DotNetTimeFormat, DbTimeFormat);
I was already using the consts
for the PropertyNames
member implementation, so I was able to reuse these hard-coded column names for the Projections
i needed as well.
Here's the Projection
utility class where the generic to_date
methods live:
public class ProjectionUtil
public static IProjection GetToDateSQLProjection(
string columnName, string dbToDateFormat, IType returnType)
return Projections.SqlProjection(
string.Format("to_date({0}, '{1}') as {0}", columnName, dbToDateFormat),
new string[] { columnName },
new IType[] { returnType });
public static IProjection GetToDateSQLFunction(
DateTime dt, string dotNetFormatString, string dbFormatString)
return Projections.SqlFunction(
Finally, here's the Oracle SQL that NHibernate generates:
this_.input_file_token as input1_9_2_,
this_.file_creation_date as file2_9_2_,
this_.file_creation_time as file3_9_2_,
this_.approval_ind as approval4_9_2_,
this_.file_id as file5_9_2_,
this_.process_name as process6_9_2_,
this_.process_status as process7_9_2_,
this_.input_file_name as input8_9_2_,
gonogo3_.input_file_token as input1_6_0_,
gonogo3_.go_nogo_ind as go2_6_0_,
inputfile1_.input_file_name as input1_3_1_,
inputfile1_.src_code as src2_3_1_,
inputfile1_.process_cat_code as process3_3_1_
input_file_log this_
left outer join go_nogo gonogo3_ on this_.input_file_token=gonogo3_.input_file_token
inner join input_file inputfile1_ on this_.input_file_name=inputfile1_.input_file_name
to_date(file_creation_date, 'YYYYMMDD') > to_date(:p0, :p1) or
to_date(file_creation_date, 'YYYYMMDD') = to_date(:p2, :p3) and
to_date(file_creation_time, 'HH24:MI:SS') >= to_date(:p4, :p5)
) and
inputfile1_.input_file_name = :p6
ORDER BY this_.input_file_token desc;
:p0 = '20100415',
:p1 = 'YYYYMMDD',
:p2 = '20100415',
:p3 = 'YYYYMMDD',
:p4 = '18:48:48',
:p5 = 'HH24:MI:SS',
:p6 = 'LMCONV_JR'
can't believe i got this one! i thought i was going to have to resort to an ISQLQuery
for sure!