I have a large amount of js files in my website which on minification and uglification using grunt-requirejs plugin gives a single file of size 1.6 MB. Loading this file on slow internet connection gives requiejs timeout error.
Uncaught Error: Load timeout for modules: 2dc6219f.main http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#timeout
I have checked the source file using chrome dev tool and found that the source file is of the same size as that of my original file but still when i continue using the portal two of my modules do not work.
I tried removing those two modules and checked it again, but i was still getting the loading error however none of my other modules were affected because of this and all worked fine.
How can i remove this loading issue? Is it possible to minify and uglify code into different modules so that one large file can be broken down?
There is one property available in reuirejs configs:
waitSeconds: Defines the loading time for modules. Depending on the complexity of the dependencies and the size of the involved libraries, increasing the wait interval may be required. Default is 7 seconds. Setting the value to 0 disables the waiting interval.
If you are using grunt then you can mention waitSeconds in reuirejs task
requirejs: {
dist: {
options: {
baseUrl: '<%= yeoman.app %>/scripts',
paths: {...},
waitSeconds: 20000
Otherwise at last you can overwrite in your require.js file itself.