
Web Essentials output different when compiled on different computers

When i compile my websolution, web essentials generates css files out of the less files. I get always sourecontrol conflicts, because the output of the css files is different. The output genereated with vs2013/webessentials on a computer of a team mate is different than on my computer.

e.g. On his computer, a less color variable which is written as name(e.g. red), is compiled into the css as 'red' On my computerr, the same variable is compiled as rgb value.

enter image description here

Another sample is comments which exist on my colleagues output, but not on mine. enter image description here

We both use the same setup

Question: What could be a reason for such differences in the output css files?


  • (Just summarizing comments above):

    It looks like your team mate has upgraded his Less compiler to v2.x while you're still using 1.x (that color names thing is one of those minor language changes in v2)

    Web Essentials uses plain node installation with the standard Less compiler (lessc) and it can be installed/configured/updated independently of WE. Find where WE installs it (path should be in some config files) and check lessc --version to make sure.