Is there a way to exclude packages from SonarQube(instrumented by gradle + sonar-runner) coverage reports(generated by jacoco) without excluding them completely from the project ?
Below is what i tried so far:
// JaCoCo test coverage configuration
tasks.withType(Test) { task ->
jacoco {
append = false
// excluded classes from coverage defined in above configuration
excludes = excludedClasses()
jacocoTestReport {
doFirst {
classDirectories = fileTree(dir: "${buildDir}/classes/main/").exclude(excludedClasses())
Property setting to exclude package from Sonar analysis. Adding this to my configuration lead to the situation that the packages do not show-up at all in Sonar.
property 'sonar.exclusions', excludedClasses().join(',')
Property setting to exclude packages from jacoco. Setting this leads to the situation that packages are excluded from coverage analysis however show up having 0% which accumulates to bad total scores.
property 'sonar.jacoco.exclusions', excludedClasses().join(',')
I have managed to exclude particular packages from coverage reports by using sonar.coverage.exclusions property in Property is described in official documentation