
Bash File Modified Alert for Raspbery Pi on Raspbian

I am a bit new here on Stackoverflow (which you can probably see by my reputation), but I was wondering how to make an audible alert or some other type of modification to an auto polling log file of failed login attempts for RDP (specifically XRDP) sessions on a Rasbperry Pi.

Since it is a Raspberry Pi, I am sure you understand why I would want to run it headless.

I have done lots of searching and only seem to find references or ways to make audible alerts when connected directly to the Pi. I want to have this alert come while running in a mostly silent terminal window. I would prefer a beep for new log activity (if log file size has changed, beep) and then the log to be checked at specific intervals (i.e. every 30 seconds or 1 minute, etc).

My log location is here if it helps in giving me some idea how to start making this Bash script /var/log/xrdp.log


  • Here is a gist of a bash script that will do exactly what you want, over SSH, on a Raspberry Pi (or any Linux, really):

    # <optional timeout in seconds>
    # This script will check and spit out your xrdp log file every X seconds
    # (default 30 if not specified)
    # If the file size has changed since your last check, your terminal will beep (system alert)
    if [ $# -eq 0 ];
        echo "No arguments supplied, will use default time between log polls (30 seconds)"
        echo "Using supplied timeout of $1 seconds between log polls"
    function updateLogModifiedTimeAndBeepIfChanged()
        LogModifiedTime="$(stat --printf="%Z" $logFileName)"
        if [ "$LogModifiedTime" != "$lastLogModifiedTime" ];
            echo NEW LOG ACTIVITY CAPTURED!!!!
            #Below line creates the terminal beep
            echo -ne '\a'
    while [  1 -lt 2 ]; do
        echo "$(ls -l $logFileName)"
        echo "Polling  logfile $logFileName which was last modified at $LogModifiedTime..."
        #You will need sudo on the pi to cat this xrdp log
        sudo cat $logFileName
        #Uncomment the following line to search, for example, for "USER:" and display only those lines that contain it:
        #sudo cat $logFileName | grep USER:
        echo "$(date) <--- this is now"
        sleep $secondsBetweenLogPolls

    Once you have created the file, don't forget to set it as executable by typing:

    chmod +x ./

    Then execute it by typing:
