So I have the id of a node and I want to get the node. For example I have the ID 1 and I want to print out the name of the node with the ID 1.
I mean btw the "internal" ID of neo4j:
Depends on how you want to do it. In neomodel, I think StructuredNode
class instances have a ._id
field. So if you have a node in memory, you can get its ID that way.
If you don't have a node that way, you can use cypher and the id()
neo4j-sh (?)$ CREATE (a:Foo {label: "Hello"}), (b:Foo {label: "Goodbye"});
| No data returned. |
Nodes created: 2
Properties set: 2
Labels added: 2
1985 ms
neo4j-sh (?)$ MATCH (f:Foo) return id(f);
| id(f) |
| 0 |
| 1 |
2 rows
324 ms
Edit Access by ID:
MATCH (n) where id(n) = 1 return n;
MATCH (n) where id(n) IN [1,2] return n;