Hi I have the following
<script type='text/javascript'>if (dijit.byId('assignedUserId') != undefined) {
dijit.byId('assignedUserId').destroy();}require([ 'dojo/store/JsonRest',
'dijit/form/FilteringSelect', 'dojo/domReady!'], function(JsonRest, FilteringSelect){
var jsonRest = new JsonRest({ target: 'Welcome.do?call=JS&actionRefId=142' });
var filteringSelect = new FilteringSelect({ id: 'assignedUserId', name:
'assignedUserId', value: '25', store: jsonRest, searchAttr: 'name',
labelAttr: 'label' }, 'assignedUserIdSelect').startup();});
<input id='assignedUserIdSelect' name='value(assignedUserId)'/>
When I start typing into the filteringselect it calls the URL and returns
{"identifier": "id", "label": "label", "items": [{ "name": "", "id": "0" , "label": "" },{
"name": "Lea M Test", "id": "26" , "label": "Lea M Test" }]}
but nothing is populated into the filtering select - what is the format of the json that needs to be returned by the server?
Try returning an array of objects. Quick test is to modify your JsonRest target to be a simple php file. If your server processes '.php' files, for example, create a file named something like Welcome.php with the following contents:
$data = '[{ "name": "Abi Normal", "id": "0" , "label": "Abi Normal" },{"name": "Lea M Test", "id": "26" , "label": "Lea M Test" }]';
echo $data;
Then change your JsonRest target to be Welcome.php