I have the following TextView defined:
android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/txtCredits"
android:autoLink="web" android:id="@+id/infoTxtCredits"
where @string/txtCredits
is a string resource that contains <a href="some site">Link text</a>
Android is highlighting the links in the TextView, but they do not respond to clicks. What am I doing wrong? Do I have to set an onClickListener for the TextView in my activity for something as simple as this?
It looks like it has to do with the way I define my string resource.
This does not work:
<string name="txtCredits"><a href="http://www.google.com">Google</a></string>
But this does:
<string name="txtCredits">www.google.com</string>
Which is a bummer because I would much rather show a text link than show the full URL.
Buried in the API demos, I found the solution to my problem:
File Link.java:
// text2 has links specified by putting <a> tags in the string
// resource. By default these links will appear but not
// respond to user input. To make them active, you need to
// call setMovementMethod() on the TextView object.
TextView t2 = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.text2);
I removed most of the attributes on my TextView to match what was in the demo.
That solved it. It is pretty difficult to uncover and fix.
Important: Don't forget to remove autoLink="web"
if you are calling setMovementMethod()