I wrote a function
function! BrickWrap(data, icon_align, icon_left, icon_right)
if empty(a:data)
return ''
let l:brick = (a:icon_align ==# 'left') ? a:icon_left . a:data :
\ (a:icon_align ==# 'right') ? a:data . a:icon_right :
\ (a:icon_align ==# 'surround') ? a:icon_left . a:data . a:icon_right :
\ (a:icon_align ==# 'none') ? a:data :
\ ''
if empty(l:brick)
echom 'BrickWrap(): Argument "icon_align" must be "left", "right", "surround" or "none".'
return ''
return l:brick
in order to format some data which gets displayed inside my statusline, e.g.:
set statusline+=%#User2#%{BrickWrap('some_data','surround','\ ','\ ')}
The example above should wrap the data with a space character on each side. But what happens actually is that it only appends a space character to the right but not to the left. In order get a space character displayed to the left I have to pass two escaped space characters ('\ \ '
). I have to mention that it only happens in the statusline. If I'd :call
the function it works as expected.
Why does this happen?
To use backslashes and whitespace with :set
, you need additional escaping, see :help option-backslash
. So, your backslash in front of the space is already taken by the :set
command. (You can check this via :set stl?
If coming up with the correct escaping is too hard, an alternative is to use the :let
command instead:
:let &statusline = '...'
However, then you must only use double quotes in your statusline value, or deal with the quote-within-quote escaping then.