This is the first time that I am working with self-executing anonymous functions, however, I believe that I am missing something that is both fundamental and right in front of my face. Essentially, I am attempting to pass an argument through the function 'writeFontFace()' and have it write the following code inside the head of my document, like so:
@font-face {
font-family: 'arrows';
src: url('fonts/arrows/arrows.eot?');
src: url('fonts/arrows/arrows.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('fonts/arrows/arrows.woff?') format('woff'),
url('fonts/arrows/arrows.ttf?') format('truetype'),
url('fonts/arrows/arrows.svg?#arrows') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
Now, if I un-comment the 'return' statement at the end of this function (writeFontFace) I do receive the appropriate output that I am expecting to receive, however (for whatever reason), it is not appending the 'script' variable (containing the aforementioned @font-face definition) inside of the head of my document? Can't quite figure out why. Any suggestions and/or comments would surely be appreciated... And again, this is my first time working with self-executing anonymous functions, therefore, I would appreciate a low level of sarcasm if anyone feels as though they might have some constructive criticism and/or advice. As always, much appreciation in advance.
~ Cheers
Self-Executing Anonymous Function
(function() {
* Object Literal {Property Values} Constant: property values to be used throughout this object
const vars = {
decCharPrefix : '&#',
decCharSuffix : ';',
baseGlyphValue: 59392,
* bpIconFont {Constructor} Core: constructor for this library; ensures that this library is instantiated if an internal method is called
var bpIconFont = function() {
if(!(this instanceof bpIconFont))
return new bpIconFont();
* bpIconFont.fn
bpIconFont.fn = bpIconFont.prototype = {
init: function() {
console.log('bpIconFont Initialized!');
window.bpIconFont = bpIconFont; // Expose: anonymous self-executing function to DOM
* getFontDirectroy {Method} Gets: generates the directory to which the passed font will be placed, via relative path
* @param {Array/String} font Converts: the passed array or string and generates a 'relative path' for the desired font
* @return {Array/String} Returns: the relative path for the font
bpIconFont.fn.getFontDirectroy = function(font) {
var fontDir = 'fonts/' + font + '/';
return fontDir;
* getFontDirectroy {Method} Gets: generates the directory to which the passed font will be placed, via relative path
* @param {Array/String} font Converts: the passed array or string and generates a 'relative path' for the desired font
* @return {Array/String} Returns: the relative path for the font
bpIconFont.fn.writeFontFace = function(font) {
var dir = bpIconFont().getFontDirectroy(font);
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var script = document.createElement('style');
script.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
var fontFace = '@font-face {' +
'\n\tfont-family: \'' + font +
'\';\n\tsrc: url(\'' + dir + font + '.eot?\');' +
'\n\tsrc: url(\'' + dir + font + '.eot?#iefix\') format(\'embedded-opentype\'),' +
'\n\t\t url(\'' + dir + font + '.woff?\') format(\'woff\'),' +
'\n\t\t url(\'' + dir + font + '.ttf?\') format(\'truetype\'),' +
'\n\t\t url(\'' + dir + font + '.svg?#' + font + '\') format(\'svg\');' +
'\n\tfont-weight: normal;' +
'\n\tfont-style: normal;' +
// return fontFace;
Essentially, if anyone else runs into a similar problem, the code below should supply you with the appropriate fix:
(function() {
* bpIconFont {Constructor} Core: constructor for this library; ensures that this library is instantiated if an internal method is called
var bpIconFont = function() {
if(!(this instanceof bpIconFont))
return new bpIconFont();
* bpIconFont.fn
bpIconFont.fn = bpIconFont.prototype = {
init: function() {
console.log('bpIconFont Initialized!');
window.bpIconFont = bpIconFont; // Expose: anonymous self-executing function to DOM
* Object Literal {Property Values} Constant: property values to be used throughout this object
vars = {
decCharPrefix : '&#',
decCharSuffix : ';',
baseGlyphValue: 59392,
* getFontDirectroy {Method} Gets: generates the directory to which the passed font will be placed, via relative path
* @param {Array/String} font Converts: the passed array or string and generates a 'relative path' for the desired font
* @return {Array/String} Returns: the relative path for the font
bpIconFont.fn.getFontDirectroy = function(font) {
var fontDir = 'fonts/' + font + '/';
return fontDir;
* getFontDirectroy {Method} Gets: generates the directory to which the passed font will be placed, via relative path
* @param {Array/String} font Converts: the passed array or string and generates a 'relative path' for the desired font
* @return {Array/String} Returns: the relative path for the font
bpIconFont.fn.writeFontFace = function(font) {
var dir = bpIconFont().getFontDirectroy(font);
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var script = document.createElement('style');
script.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
var cssDef = '\ndiv#output-window {' +
'\n\tfont-family:\'' + font + '\';' +
var fontFace = '@font-face {' +
'\n\tfont-family: \'' + font +
'\';\n\tsrc: url(\'' + dir + font + '.eot?\');' +
'\n\tsrc: url(\'' + dir + font + '.eot?#iefix\') format(\'embedded-opentype\'),' +
'\n\t\t url(\'' + dir + font + '.woff?\') format(\'woff\'),' +
'\n\t\t url(\'' + dir + font + '.ttf?\') format(\'truetype\'),' +
'\n\t\t url(\'' + dir + font + '.svg?#' + font + '\') format(\'svg\');' +
'\n\tfont-weight: normal;' +
'\n\tfont-style: normal;' +