I'm currently confused by the IDs identifying a user in Connections, and their link to the underlying LDAP directory. So far, I identified several ids:
Can someone explain the relationship between snx:userid, key and subscriberId, on-prem and on the cloud, and what they are for? I can't find any clear documentation around it. The API doc says that some times we should pass the key, and some times the id.
Also is the LDAP directory on prem. We are querying the LDAP directory (WAS federated directory, also used by Connections) to get a list of users based on a group. But then, how can we access their Connections profiles from the LDAP result? Is their an attribute to read? We are currently using the email, but as said earlier, this will not work if email access in disabled, like in Greenhouse.
I can explain part of it. the snx:userid is an abstraction used to uniquely identify a person - even if their email changed, name changed, or any other ldap specific id changed. The snx:userid is I believe 64bit.
I thought the Key is the same as snx:userid.
SubscriberId is based on the Business Support Services long id, and includes a scope so that each environment has a unique id.
I think I described the first part of your question on the relationship.
For the second bit, we don't augment LDAP with the snx:userid.
You may want to look at User SPI and java.lang.String getExtID() http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/lcwiki.nsf/xpAPIViewer.xsp?lookupName=IBM+Connections+5.0+API+Documentation#action=openDocument&res_title=User_SPI_ic50&content=apicontent