
different view form for edit and create in odoo

I'd like to know is it possible to have different form views for edit mode and create mode in odoo ?

Actually I just want to hide some elements in create mode and show it in edit mode.

I've tried to using attrs like :

<button name="%(print_invoice)d" string="Cetak Struk" type="action" attrs="{'invisible':[('id', '!=', False)]}" />    

But when i open the form it gives me error like this :

Uncaught Error: Unknown field id in domain [["id","!=",false]]    

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you


  • @qatz

    You cannot have different views based on "Edit" or "Create" of record.

    You can try this by adding "state" field and based on the value of state you can hide show the elements.

    Hope this helps !!