
Issue in starting Apache DS

Hi I am facing an issue in starting the Apache DS. My environment is as follows. Windows 7 64 Bit

I have 2 JVM's running (32 and 64bit) I have given the 32 bit JVM for the Apache DS.

When I start the service it says "windows couldnt start ApacheDS - default service on Local computer Error 1067 The process Terminated Unexpectedly"

When I check the logs in the instances folder shows the following log

STATUS | wrapper  | 2013/07/15 15:27:55 | --> Wrapper Started as Service
STATUS | wrapper  | 2013/07/15 15:27:55 | Launching a JVM...
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2013/07/15 15:27:55 | Wrapper (Version 3.2.3)
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2013/07/15 15:27:55 |   Copyright 1999-2006 Tanuki Software, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
INFO   | jvm 1    | 2013/07/15 15:27:55 | 
STATUS | wrapper  | 2013/07/15 15:28:01 | <-- Wrapper Stopped

Can Someone please help me to start the Apache DS Service


  • Go to the

    Program Files\ApacheDS\instances\default\conf

    and modify the Change all FATAL log level to the DEBUG and restart the service. You can find what is the main reason of problem in new log files that are produced in the

    Program Files\ApacheDS\instances\default\log

    For example I have this problem after change the log level, I found the main error is

    ERR_250_ENTRY_ALREADY_EXISTS ou=system already exists!

    And this is an open issue in the ApacheDS

    Hope this help you!