I'm looking to use Sylius for a new e-commerce site and wanted to have a play around first as it looks awesome but after installing all seems to work well on the front end but as soon as I view the login or register page, any kind of template or styling is missing. In fact there are no stylesheets or Javascript files set. All that appears are the raw unstyled forms and literally nothing else.
If I try to log in using the credentials at the end of the app/console sylius:install step, I receive the following error:
"An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("None of the chained routers were able to generate route: Route 'cmf_create_put_document_base' not found") in CmfCreateBundle::includejsfiles-create.html.twig at line 17.”
If I complete an order as a new customer and then view my account all I see printed to my screen is who I’m logged in as together with my username and email address and a logout link. That’s it.
Given I’ve had a play with the demo at http://demo.sylius.org/ this is not how I see it working.
If I grep the dev.log file, I find the following errors in addition to the one mentioned above:
[2014-12-11 10:07:29] assetic.ERROR: The template "CmfCreateBundle::includejsfiles-hallo-coffee.html.twig" contains an error: Unable to find file "@CmfCreateBundle/Resources/public/vendor/hallo/src/hallo.coffee". [] [] [2014-12-11 10:07:29] assetic.ERROR: The template "CmfCreateBundle::includejsfiles-ckeditor.html.twig" contains an error: Unable to find file "@CmfCreateBundle/Resources/public/vendor/ckeditor/ckeditor.js". [] []
If I look for the paths @CmfCreateBundle/Resources/public/vendor/hallo/src/hallo.coffee or @CmfCreateBundle/Resources/public/vendor/ckeditor/ckeditor.js I can verify they don’t exist in the vendor/symfony-cmf/create-bundle/Resources/public/vendor/ directory.
Install steps are:
Of note, I’ve tried installing on VMWare (Ubuntu 12.04, PHP5.5) and an Amazon EC2 instance (Ubuntu 14.04, PHP5.6) and while I’m familiar with PHP and ZF2, I have zero Symfony 2 or Sylius experience.
Thanks in advance
Although I couldn't get v0.11 working to get to the backend, installing v0.12, which was has just been released has resolved the issue. See more at http://sylius.org/blog/sylius-0-12-0-with-faceted-search.