
How to remove the Powered by Odoo #1 Open Source eCommerce footer from front end of Odoo 8?

How do you remove the backlinks from the public front end of Odoo 8?

Location: lower right corner of the page, in the footer.

HTML Code:

<div class="pull-right">
     Powered by <a class="label label-danger" href="">Odoo</a>,
     the #1 
     <a href="">Open Source eCommerce</a>.

These backlinks are shown to all search engines, and to anybody visiting the site, who is not logged in to the site!!

And when you log in, Odoo dynamically removes the links from the generated HTML page.

Odoo is very nice, but...

We cannot be displaying its back links on all public website page footers!

How do you remove them??


  • I've determined how to solve this issue.

    1. First, log in to back end as administrator. Activate Technical Features, if not already activated, by going to Settings > Users > Users > (your Administrator user name, default is Administrator) > Edit > Usability > Technical Features > check the box (active), click Save.
    2. Go to Settings > Technical > User Interface > Views.
    3. In the search box, next to "(filter icon) Active", type "Footer Copyright", and hit enter to search.
    4. There will be one search result. (View name: Footer Copyright. View type: QWeb view.) Click to open it.
    5. Click Edit.
    6. Comment out lines 6-7 of the code as follows: <!-- Powered by <a class="label label-danger" href="">Odoo</a>, the #1 <a href="">Open Source eCommerce</a>. -->
    7. Click Save.
    8. Refresh the browser view of your Odoo front end website. Log out of the front end of your Odoo website. You'll see the previously visible "Powered by" backlinks and text, is now removed! For more info or help, see the following blog entry: