Basically I want to create type of quiz in Python 3.4 with EasyGui using multiple images on the button boxes. How I'd imagine it'd work would be like this:
import easygui as eg
# A welcome message
eg.msgbox ("Welcome to the quiz", "Quiz!")
# A short splash screen this could be looped
Finish = "Start"
while Finish == "Start":
Finish = eg.buttonbox("Do you want to start the quiz or quit?","Welcome",["Start","Quit"])
if Finish == "Quit":
#Question 1
image = "mickey.gif"
choices = ["Mickey","Minnie","Daffy Duck","Dave"]
reply=eg.buttonbox("Who is this?",image = image,choices = choices)
if reply == "Mickey":
eg.msgbox("Well done!","Correct")
This works, but if I change the line
reply=eg.buttonbox("Who is this?",image=[image,image2,image3,image4],choices = choices)
But that doesn't seem to work, does anyone know if you can have more than one image per buttonbox?
at the current version of easygui, you can't have multiple images, only one image.
You could either: