I have a class of type UICollectionViewController
. In this class I have variable for the label of a UICollectionViewCell
var cellTitle = UILabel()
I also have the collectionView method cellForItemAtIndexPath
override func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier(reuseIdentifier, forIndexPath: indexPath) as UICollectionViewCell
var definitions = shuffle(["Used to carry the pharoah","Used to carry bodies as a ceremony","Had a flat deck to carry a farmer's treasure","Daily, it made a trip around the world to carry Ra","Towed by smaller boats, carrying heavy objects","Used for business and pleasure by officials/nobles","Carried most Egyptians and some goods"])
var boatTypes = shuffle(["Ferry","Funeral Barge","Cargo Boat","Cattle Boat","Royal Boat","The Sun Boat","Grand Boat"])
// Configure the cell
cellTitle = UILabel(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, cell.bounds.size.width, 160))
switch indexPath.item {
case 0:
cellTitle.text = definitions[0]
case 1:
cellTitle.text = definitions[1]
case 2:
cellTitle.text = definitions[2]
case 3:
cellTitle.text = definitions[3]
case 4:
cellTitle.text = definitions[4]
case 5:
cellTitle.text = definitions[5]
case 6:
cellTitle.text = definitions[6]
case 7:
cellTitle.text = boatTypes[0]
case 8:
cellTitle.text = boatTypes[1]
case 9:
cellTitle.text = boatTypes[2]
case 10:
cellTitle.text = boatTypes[3]
case 11:
cellTitle.text = boatTypes[4]
case 12:
cellTitle.text = boatTypes[5]
case 13:
cellTitle.text = boatTypes[6]
I also have a didSelectItemAtIndexPath
override func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) {
var selectedText = cellTitle.text
switch indexPath.item {
case 0:
if selectedText == "Used to carry the pharoah" {
println("Used to carry the pharoah")
} else {
println("Not Working")
The problem is that when I press the cell that the label does have the text "Used to carry the pharoah", println("Not Working")
is triggered. How can I pass the value from the cellForItemAtIndexPath
method to the didSelectItemAtIndexPath
method so the value of cellTitle
stays the same? Thank you.
cellForItemAtIndexPath is called for each item when it is to be displayed. You are applying some sort of a "shuffle" on the array of string? So, not all strings will necessarily be used and a few will be have same text. You can simply have the variables 'definitions' and 'boats' globally initialized and then access the value like this:
if indexPath.item < 7 {
selectedText = definitions[indexPath.item]
} else {
selectedText = boatTypes[indexPath.item]