
identifying phase shift between signals

I have generated three identical waves with a phase shift in each. For example:

t = 1:10800; % generate time vector
fs = 1; % sampling frequency (seconds)
A = 2; % amplitude
P = 1000; % period (seconds), the time it takes for the signal to repeat itself
f1 = 1/P; % number of cycles per second (i.e. how often the signal repeats itself every second).
y1 = A*sin(2*pi*f1*t); % signal 1
phi = 10; % phase shift
y2 = A*sin(2*pi*f1*t + phi); % signal 2
phi = 15; % phase shift
y3 = A*sin(2*pi*f1*t + phi); % signal 3

YY = [y1',y2',y3'];


enter image description here

I would now like to use a method for detecting this phase shift between the waves. The point of doing this is so that I can eventually apply the method to real data and identify phase shifts between signals.

So far I have been thinking of computing the cross spectra between each wave and the first wave (i.e. without the phase shift):

for i = 1:3;
    [Pxy,Freq] = cpsd(YY(:,1),YY(:,i));
    coP = real(Pxy);
    quadP = imag(Pxy);
    phase(:,i) = atan2(coP,quadP);

but I'm not sure if this makes any sense.

Has anyone else done something similar to this? The desired outcome should show a phase shift at 10 and 15 for waves 2 and 3 respectively.

Any advice would be appreciated.


  • There are several ways that you can measure the phase shift between signals. Between your response, the comments below your response, and the other answers, you've gotten most of the options. The specific choice of technique is usually based on issues such as:

    Depending on your answer to these questions, you could consider the following techniques: