
Execute a Application On The Server Using JavaScript

I have an application on my server that is called leaf.exe, that haves two arguments needed to run, they are: inputfile and outputfile, that will be like this example:

pnote.exe input.pnt output.txt

They are all on the same directory as my home page file(the executable and the input file). But I need that a JavaScript could run the application like that, then I want to know how could I do this.

I'm using just Apache, I don't have any language for web installed on it. My goal is to do a site using just JavaScript, without the help of anyother language than it, HTML and CSS.


  • You would need to make an Ajax request to the server - the server would then have a handler that would then invoke the executable with the appropriate parameters.

    Without know which web server technology you are using, it's harder to give a more concrete answer (ex: ASP.NET, PHP, Ruby, etc).

    EDIT: If you're talking about doing this without any kind of server side resources, then this is impossible, and for good reason. Think of the security exploits!