I have a project that loads some pages inside TembeddedWb. After the pages are loaded I want to grab the ID elements from some images. For example, I have an image like this inside the html page
<a href="#" style="cursor:pointer"><img id="image1" src='pathto/image1' border="0" style="display:inline" /></a>
How should I read the ID element when I click on this image inside tembeddedwb?
I tried something like this:
MousePos: TPoint;
HtmlElement: IHTMLElement;
iHTMLDoc: IHtmlDocument2;
edit.Text := edit.text + ' ' + HtmlElement.id;
Do I have to use Tpoint? What should I do?
So i follow TLama comment and i done it here is what i did for future help for others
MousePos: TPoint;
HtmlElement: IHTMLElement;
iHTMLDoc: IHtmlDocument2;
MousePos := Ewb.ScreenToClient(MousePos);
HtmlElement := iHTMLDoc.ElementFromPoint(MousePos.X, MousePos.Y);
if Assigned(HtmlElement) then