I'm a bit new to programming so sorry if there is a few things that could have been done better My combobox is successfully filled with my string array and the auto-complete works fine. I just cant get the text in the combobox.
returns java.lang.NullPointerException
private ArrayList<String> arrRekening;
private ArrayList<String> arrEienaar;
private String[] sarrRekening;
private String[] sarrEienaar;
public NewConnectionPoint() {
arrAccount = new ArrayList<String>();
arrOwner = new ArrayList<String>();
FillCombo(arrAccount , "Owners", "OwnerName");
FillCombo(arrOwner , "Accounts", "AccountName");
sarrOwner= arrOwner.toArray(new String[arrOwner .size()]);
sarrAccount= arrAccount.toArray(new String[arrAccount.size()]);
JComboBox<String> comboAccount = new JComboBox<String>();
AutoCompleteSupport<String> supAccount = AutoCompleteSupport.install(comboRekening, GlazedLists.eventList(Arrays.asList(sarrAccount)));
JComboBox<String> comboOwner = new JComboBox<String>();
AutoCompleteSupport<String> supOwner = AutoCompleteSupport.install(comboOwner,GlazedLists.eventList(Arrays.asList(sarrOwner)));
JButton btnShow = new JButton("ShowSelectedr");
btnShow.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
//Error occurs at this line
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, comboOwner.getSelectedItem().toString());
//Data loaded into arraylists from a Database with sql
private void FillCombo(ArrayList<String> ComboElements, String sTable, String sColumn){
Data.changeQuery(sTable);// database connection fine returns and fills combobox
String sReturn= MyData.rs.getString(sColumn);
}catch(Exception e){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e);
The fundamental difficulty you're experiencing here is that you're trying to leverage the GlazedLists package without properly embracing it's core utility: EventLists.
You can easily side-step your difficulties if you use EventLists rather than ArrayLists.
If you really want to you can keep your FillCombo
method returning an ArrayList (perhaps better name as getElements()
) but straight-away initiate an EventList, use the GlazedLists EventComboBoxModel to link the EventList to the JComboBox and then you'll find your combobox getSelectedItem() should work fine.
The modified code to hook a list up to a combobox with autocomplete support will look something like this:
FillCombo(arrOwner , "Owners", "OwnerName");
EventList<String> ownerEventList = GlazedLists.eventList(arrOwner);
EventComboBoxModel<String> ownerModel = new EventComboBoxModel<String>(ownerEventList);
JComboBox comboOwner = new JComboBox(ownerModel);
AutoCompleteSupport<String> supOwner = AutoCompleteSupport.install(comboOwner,ownerEventList);