How can I strip the EXIF data from an uploaded image through javascript? I am currently able to access the EXIF data using this exif-js plugin, like this:
EXIF.getData(oimg, function() {
var orientation = EXIF.getTag(this, "Orientation");
However, I have not found any way to actually remove the Exif data, only to retrieve it.
More specifically, I am trying to do this to get rid of the orientation Exif data which rotates my image on certain browsers.
Here is a little demo of it, select an image with orientation data to see how it looks with and with out it(modern browsers only).
var input = document.querySelector('#erd');
input.addEventListener('change', load);
function load(){
var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onload = process;
document.querySelector('#orig').src = URL.createObjectURL(this.files[0]);
function process(){
var dv = new DataView(this.result);
var offset = 0, recess = 0;
var pieces = [];
var i = 0;
if (dv.getUint16(offset) == 0xffd8){
offset += 2;
var app1 = dv.getUint16(offset);
offset += 2;
while (offset < dv.byteLength){
//console.log(offset, '0x'+app1.toString(16), recess);
if (app1 == 0xffe1){
pieces[i] = {recess:recess,offset:offset-2};
recess = offset + dv.getUint16(offset);
else if (app1 == 0xffda){
offset += dv.getUint16(offset);
var app1 = dv.getUint16(offset);
offset += 2;
if (pieces.length > 0){
var newPieces = [];
newPieces.push(this.result.slice(v.recess, v.offset));
}, this);
var br = new Blob(newPieces, {type: 'image/jpeg'});
document.querySelector('#mod').src = URL.createObjectURL(br);
<input id="erd" type="file"/><br>
<img id="orig" title="Original">
<img id="mod" title="Modified">