
How can I throw checked exceptions from inside Java 8 lambdas/streams?

How can I throw checked exceptions from inside Java 8 lambda, used in a stream for example?

In other words, I want to make code like this compile:

public List<Class> getClasses() throws ClassNotFoundException {     

    List<Class> classes = 
        Stream.of("java.lang.Object", "java.lang.Integer", "java.lang.String")
              .map(className -> Class.forName(className))
    return classes;

This code does not compile, since the Class.forName() method above throws ClassNotFoundException, which is checked.

Please note I do NOT want to wrap the checked exception inside a runtime exception and throw the wrapped unchecked exception instead. I want to throw the checked exception itself, and without adding ugly try/catches to the stream.


  • This LambdaExceptionUtil helper class lets you use any checked exceptions in Java streams, like this:

    Stream.of("java.lang.Object", "java.lang.Integer", "java.lang.String")

    Note Class::forName throws ClassNotFoundException, which is checked. The stream itself also throws ClassNotFoundException, and NOT some wrapping unchecked exception.

    public final class LambdaExceptionUtil {
    public interface Consumer_WithExceptions<T, E extends Exception> {
        void accept(T t) throws E;
    public interface BiConsumer_WithExceptions<T, U, E extends Exception> {
        void accept(T t, U u) throws E;
    public interface Function_WithExceptions<T, R, E extends Exception> {
        R apply(T t) throws E;
    public interface Supplier_WithExceptions<T, E extends Exception> {
        T get() throws E;
    public interface Runnable_WithExceptions<E extends Exception> {
        void run() throws E;
    /** .forEach(rethrowConsumer(name -> System.out.println(Class.forName(name)))); or .forEach(rethrowConsumer(ClassNameUtil::println)); */
    public static <T, E extends Exception> Consumer<T> rethrowConsumer(Consumer_WithExceptions<T, E> consumer) throws E {
        return t -> {
            try { consumer.accept(t); }
            catch (Exception exception) { throwAsUnchecked(exception); }
    public static <T, U, E extends Exception> BiConsumer<T, U> rethrowBiConsumer(BiConsumer_WithExceptions<T, U, E> biConsumer) throws E {
        return (t, u) -> {
            try { biConsumer.accept(t, u); }
            catch (Exception exception) { throwAsUnchecked(exception); }
    /** .map(rethrowFunction(name -> Class.forName(name))) or .map(rethrowFunction(Class::forName)) */
    public static <T, R, E extends Exception> Function<T, R> rethrowFunction(Function_WithExceptions<T, R, E> function) throws E {
        return t -> {
            try { return function.apply(t); }
            catch (Exception exception) { throwAsUnchecked(exception); return null; }
    /** rethrowSupplier(() -> new StringJoiner(new String(new byte[]{77, 97, 114, 107}, "UTF-8"))), */
    public static <T, E extends Exception> Supplier<T> rethrowSupplier(Supplier_WithExceptions<T, E> function) throws E {
        return () -> {
            try { return function.get(); }
            catch (Exception exception) { throwAsUnchecked(exception); return null; }
    /** uncheck(() -> Class.forName("xxx")); */
    public static void uncheck(Runnable_WithExceptions t)
        try {; }
        catch (Exception exception) { throwAsUnchecked(exception); }
    /** uncheck(() -> Class.forName("xxx")); */
    public static <R, E extends Exception> R uncheck(Supplier_WithExceptions<R, E> supplier)
        try { return supplier.get(); }
        catch (Exception exception) { throwAsUnchecked(exception); return null; }
    /** uncheck(Class::forName, "xxx"); */
    public static <T, R, E extends Exception> R uncheck(Function_WithExceptions<T, R, E> function, T t) {
        try { return function.apply(t); }
        catch (Exception exception) { throwAsUnchecked(exception); return null; }
    @SuppressWarnings ("unchecked")
    private static <E extends Throwable> void throwAsUnchecked(Exception exception) throws E { throw (E)exception; }

    Many other examples on how to use it (after statically importing LambdaExceptionUtil):

    public void test_Consumer_with_checked_exceptions() throws IllegalAccessException {
        Stream.of("java.lang.Object", "java.lang.Integer", "java.lang.String")
              .forEach(rethrowConsumer(className -> System.out.println(Class.forName(className))));
        Stream.of("java.lang.Object", "java.lang.Integer", "java.lang.String")
    public void test_Function_with_checked_exceptions() throws ClassNotFoundException {
        List<Class> classes1
              = Stream.of("Object", "Integer", "String")
                      .map(rethrowFunction(className -> Class.forName("java.lang." + className)))
        List<Class> classes2
              = Stream.of("java.lang.Object", "java.lang.Integer", "java.lang.String")
    public void test_Supplier_with_checked_exceptions() throws ClassNotFoundException {
              rethrowSupplier(() -> new StringJoiner(new String(new byte[]{77, 97, 114, 107}, "UTF-8"))),
              StringJoiner::add, StringJoiner::merge, StringJoiner::toString);
    public void test_uncheck_exception_thrown_by_method() {
        Class clazz1 = uncheck(() -> Class.forName("java.lang.String"));
        Class clazz2 = uncheck(Class::forName, "java.lang.String");
    @Test (expected = ClassNotFoundException.class)
    public void test_if_correct_exception_is_still_thrown_by_method() {
        Class clazz3 = uncheck(Class::forName, "INVALID");

    UPDATE as of Nov 2015 The code has been improved with the help of @PaoloC, please check his answer below and upvote it. He helped solve the last problem: now the compiler will ask you to add throw clauses and everything is as if you could throw checked exceptions natively on Java 8 streams.

    Note 1

    The rethrow methods of the LambdaExceptionUtil class above may be used without fear, and are OK to use in any situation.

    Note 2

    The uncheck methods of the LambdaExceptionUtil class above are bonus methods, and may be safely removed them from the class if you don't want to use them. If you do used them, do it with care, and not before understanding the following use cases, advantages/disadvantages and limitations:
