
Positioning of hyperlinked shapes with matrix in tikz

I can draw a hyperlinked shape in tikz using the following code:


\node {%
\filldraw[blue] circle(1cm) node [white] {Click}; 


Now I would like to organize my shapes using the matrix, and have one of the shapes hyperlinked. It almost works, but I am not able to align the hyperlinked shape with the rest of the shapes, and it is bigger than the other shapes:


\matrix [matrix of nodes, row sep = 1cm, column  sep=1cm, nodes={circle, draw}]  
{%    First  row:
1           & 2 \\
%    second row:
\path node {\href{}{% 
\node {3}; 
\end{tikzpicture}}}; & 4\\


I get the following result:

alt text

My question is: How could I align shape 3 in the picture above with the other shapes, and get rid of the outer circle?


  • I think you're aiming too high and your second {tikzpicture} is messing up your layout. What do you think about the code below? Is that what you've been looking for?

      \matrix [matrix of nodes, row sep = 1cm, column  sep=1cm, nodes={circle, draw}]  
        1 & 2\\%
        \href{}{3} & 4\\%

    BTW: the \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture} is not really needed, but it makes for a nice, cropped pdf...