I have a quite simple DTO structure composed of an interface, an abstract class implementing it and a hierarchy of classes under the abstract class. The interface:
public interface InterfaceDTO {}
The abstract class:
import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonSubTypes;
import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonSubTypes.Type;
import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonTypeInfo;
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "json_type")
@Type(value = DataDTO.class, name = "DataDTO"),
@Type(value = VectorDTO.class, name = "VectorDTO") })
public abstract class AbstractDTO implements InterfaceDTO {}
First level classes:
public class DataDTO extends AbstractDTO {
private Short answerId;
private String clientKey;
private String answerText;
public class VectorDTO extends AbstractDTO {
private Vector<InterfaceDTO> answers;
public VectorDTO() {
answers = new Vector<InterfaceDTO>();
Second level class:
public class DataWithReplyDTO extends DataDTO {
private String replyData;
And finally, restygwt JSON enc/dec code:
public interface InterfaceDTOCodec extends JsonEncoderDecoder<InterfaceDTO> {}
InterfaceDTOCodec codec = GWT.create(InterfaceDTOCodec.class);
VectorDTO dto = new VectorDTO();
JSONValue json = codec.encode(dto);
InterfaceDTO other = codec.decode(json);
When I compile from eclipse with GWT 2.6.1 and restygwt I get:
Compiling module com.test.web.MyApp
Computing all possible rebind results for 'com.test.web.client.activity.InitActivity.InterfaceDTOCodec'
Rebinding com.test.web.client.activity.InitActivity.InterfaceDTOCode
Invoking generator org.fusesource.restygwt.rebind.JsonEncoderDecoderGenerator
Generating: com.test.web.client.activity.InitActivity_InterfaceDTOCodec_Generated_ExtendedJsonEncoderDecoder_
checking: org.fusesource.restygwt.client.JsonEncoderDecoder, type: class com.google.gwt.dev.javac.typemodel.JParameterizedType
Generating: com.test.web.shared.dto.InterfaceDTO_Generated_JsonEncoderDecoder_
[ERROR] Abstract classes must be annotated with JsonTypeInfo
[ERROR] Errors in 'com/test/web/client/activity/InitActivity.java'
[ERROR] Line 55: Failed to resolve 'com.test.web.client.activity.InitActivity.InterfaceDTOCodec' via deferred binding
[WARN] For the following type(s), generated source was never committed (did you forget to call commit()?)
[WARN] com.test.web.client.activity.InitActivity_InterfaceDTOCodec_Generated_ExtendedJsonEncoderDecoder_
[WARN] com.test.web.shared.dto.InterfaceDTO_Generated_JsonEncoderDecoder_
Following the guide, I added annotations to the abstract class but still the strange error message. Any help?
References: http://resty-gwt.github.io/documentation/restygwt-user-guide.html RestyGWT Polymorphic Encode/Decode issues when using an interface instead of an abstract class
I ended up with the classic Trial and error and kind of ignoring the docs from restygwt. Here is what I did in order to make it work:
@Type(value = DataWithReplyDTO.class, name = "DataWithReplyDTO"),
to the interface @JsonSubTypes
listI used the following encoder/decoder declaration in my unit test and it worked:
public interface InterfaceDTOEncoderDecoder extends JsonEncoderDecoder<InterfaceDTO> {}
Bottom line: it seems you can have several levels of inheritance under an interface and it still works as long as you declare all types in the interface as @JsonSubTypes