
Chef - install a specific version of apache

I run CentOS 6.5 on my vagrant VM and I need to install a specific version of Apache (2.2.15) to make it a similar configuration to live environment.

I currently have


service 'httpd' do
       action [:start, :enable]

And it obviously installs the most recent version yum knows about. This is indeed 2.2.15 but I do not want to rely solely on that as yum check-update may change the newest release package.

I am going to do the same thing with MySQL & PHP.

How can it be achieved?


  • See the documentation for the package resource here there's an attribute named version for the package resource which is what you're looking for.

    Side note: prefer attributes referenced in the resource to stick the version instead of hardcoding them in the recipe, it is less error prone when you'll want to update the version.


    in the attribute file:

    default['httpd']['version'] = "2.2.15"

    in recipe file:

    package "httpd" do
      version node['httpd']['version']