
Email Campaign Manager Reports?

I am working on Email Campaign Manager reports sections and I am unable to understand few things in reports.

Please see attached screenshot.

enter image description here


  • I suspect this may not entirely answer your question, but from the ECM Marketer's Guide (page 16):

    Value per sent email – The average value that a message has generated.

    Value per visit – The value per visit this message generated.

    Visits per email sent – The average number of visits to the website that a message induced.

    So that leads to the next logical question: What is "value"? Value is something that you define from within Sitecore. You score your content and assign value to it. Content that is deemed more important for the business will have a higher value than content that is not as important. When a user visits your site as a result of an ECM email, DMS tracks the visit and as they navigate around content that has value associated with it, the value is accumulated.

    Check out the Marketing Operations Cookbook for more information on assigning value to your content.

    Hope this helps a bit.