
presentViewController not working in Swift

Thank you for reading this. I would like to have a functions Swift file where I put all of the functions for my project into, that the other Swift files could call. I am trying to create an alert function in the functions file that, when I pass in a specific string, it shows a specific alert. It was working when it was in the main file, but when I moved it to the functions file, presentViewController is giving me an error, saying "Use of unresolved identifier 'presentViewController'." Please help! Here is my code: in the functions file:

import Foundation
import UIKit

var canTapButton: Bool = false
var tappedAmount = 0


//the alert to ask the user to assess their speed
func showAlert(alert: String) -> Void
if(alert == "pleaseAssessAlert")
    let pleaseAssessAlert = UIAlertController(title: "Welcome!", message: "If this is your firs time, I encourage you to use the Speed Assessment Tool (located in the menu) to figure which of you fingers is fastest!", preferredStyle: .Alert)
    //ok button
    let okButtonOnAlertAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Done", style: .Default)
        { (action) -> Void in
            //what happens when "ok" is pressed

    presentViewController(pleaseAssessAlert, animated: true, completion: nil)
    println("Error calling the alert function.")



  • The presentViewController is the instance method of UIViewController class. So you can't access it on your function file like this.

    You should change the function like:

    func showAlert(alert : String, viewController : UIViewController) -> Void
       if(alert == "pleaseAssessAlert")
           let pleaseAssessAlert = UIAlertController(title: "Welcome!", message: "If this is your firs time, I encourage you to use the Speed Assessment Tool (located in the menu) to figure which of you fingers is fastest!", preferredStyle: .Alert)
           //ok button
           let okButtonOnAlertAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Done", style: .Default)
           { (action) -> Void in
                //what happens when "ok" is pressed
           viewController.presentViewController(pleaseAssessAlert, animated: true, completion: nil)
           println("Error calling the alert function.")

    Here, you are passing a UIViewController instance to this function and calling the presentViewController of that View Controller class.