I am using jquery validator where I have added a method to validate a string which allow only numbers, spaces, plus sign, hyphen and brackets. Number is mandatory in the string but other charterer is optional.
My code for adding method in jquery validor:
jQuery.validator.addMethod( "regex", function(value, element, regexp) {
var re = new RegExp(regexp);
return this.optional(element) || re.test(value);
"Please check your input."
Following code for the rules:
rules: {
myfield: {
required: true,
regex: "[0-9]+" // want to add regular expression but I wrote only for digit which works but do not understand how to reach at my requirements.
You can add the required characters into a character class:
/^(?=.*[0-9])[- +()0-9]+$/
Regex Explanation
positive lookahead. Ensures that there is at least one digit
[- +()0-9]+
matches numbers, spaces, plus sign, hyphen and brackets
If you are reluctant to use lookaheads you could write a longer regex:
/^[- +()]*[0-9][- +()0-9]*$/